Search for tag: "beam"

Le traitement du cancer par protons - Protonthérapie à l'Institut Paul Scherrer en Suisse

Une patiente parle de l'irradiation avec des protons de sa tumeur cérébrale au Centre de protonthérapie (CPT). Depuis 1984, les patients atteints de tumeurs oculaires sont…

From  Mahir Dzambegovic 0 likes 1 plays

PXI thinfilms - A new spin on sample delivery for membrane proteins

At the Swiss Light Source at PSI, a recent addition to the sample delivery menu presents proteins to the beam in an acoustically levitated droplet, offering unique opportunities for drug binding…

From  Mahir Dzambegovic 0 likes 0 plays

Serial crystallography - Decoding biomolecules at PSI

In serial crystallography, crystals are injected into an x-ray beam. When the beam and crystal collide, light beams are deflected. The deflected light beams are recorded by a detector. The structure…

From  Mahir Dzambegovic 0 likes 0 plays

Die Behandlung von Krebs mit Protonen – Protonentherapie am Paul Scherrer Institut in der Schweiz

Eine Patientin erzählt von der Protonenbestrahlung ihres Hirntumors am Zentrum für Protonentherapie ZPT. Seit 1984 werden hier Patienten mit Augentumoren erfolgreich mit Protonen bestrahlt.…

From  Mahir Dzambegovic 0 likes 0 plays

The treatment of cancer with protons - Proton therapy at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland

A patient talks about the proton irradiation of her brain tumor at the Center for Proton Therapy (CPT). Since 1984, patients with eye tumors have been successfully irradiated with protons. The…

From  Mahir Dzambegovic 0 likes 0 plays

Il trattamento del cancro con protoni - Protonterapia presso l'Istituto Paul Scherrer in Svizzera

Una paziente parla dell' irradiazione con protoni del suo tumore cerebrale al Centro di Protonterapia (CPT). Dal 1984, i pazienti con tumori oculari sono stati irradiati con successo con…

From  Mahir Dzambegovic 0 likes 0 plays