From Mahir Dzambegovic
0 0 likes | 119 119 playsDas Video zeigt, wie sich das Probenpulver unter dem Einfluss des Lasers zum PSI-Schriftzug verfestigt. (Video: Paul Scherrer Institut/Malgorzata G. Makowska) -
From Mahir Dzambegovic
0 0 likes | 257 257 playsIm neu gegründeten „Quantum Computing Hub“ treibt das PSI in Zusammenarbeit mit der ETH-Zürich die beiden führenden Technologien im… -
From Mahir Dzambegovic
0 0 likes | 0 0 plays(DE) Die derzeitigen Experimente an den Grossforschungsanlagen am PSI liefern rund 3.6 Milliarden MB an Daten pro Jahr. Um diese unvorstellbare Datenmenge ein wenig zu… -
From Mahir Dzambegovic
0 0 likes | 0 0 playsAt the Swiss Light Source at PSI, a recent addition to the sample delivery menu presents proteins to the beam in an acoustically levitated droplet, offering unique… -
From Mahir Dzambegovic
0 0 likes | 0 0 playsThe tip of a truck motor diesel injection nozzle has been investigated by high resolution neutron tomography at PSI ICON. Watch more movies:… -
From Mahir Dzambegovic
0 0 likes | 0 0 playsResearchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and ETH Zurich have developed a micromachine that can perform different actions. It measures only a few tens of…