Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and ETH Zurich have developed a micromachine that can perform different actions. It measures only a few tens of micrometres across and resembles an…
In serial crystallography, crystals are injected into an x-ray beam. When the beam and crystal collide, light beams are deflected. The deflected light beams are recorded by a detector. The structure…
By 2050 Switzerland is supposed to produce as many greenhouse gas emissions as can be safely kept in natural and technical storage facilities. How can we achieve this goal – and what will our…
Switzerland has no available fossil gas reserves. It also lacks substantial domestic storage capacities, like those used by Germany. Because of this, geopolitical conflicts and crises can lead to…
La Suisse n’a pas de gisements de gaz fossile exploitables. Elle n’a pas non plus, sur son sol, de capacités de stockage de grande envergure, comme c’est par exemple le cas…
La plus récente grande installation de recherche du PSI génère de très courtes impulsions de rayons X, ayant les propriétés du laser. Cela permet aux…
Die jüngste Grossforschungsanlage des PSI erzeugt sehr kurze Pulse von Röntgenlicht mit Lasereigenschaften. Damit können Forschende extrem schnelle Vorgänge wie die Entstehung…
The latest large research facility at PSI generates very short pulses of X-ray light with laser-like properties. This enables researchers to observe extremely fast processes, such as how new…