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  • From Frank Reiser

    0 likes 1,932 plays
    Mit einem Online-Event wird das neue Logo des PSI am 26. Oktober 2023 den Mitarbeitenden vorgestellt. Im Anschluss daran findet ein kleines Grillfest vor der OASE statt.
  • From Mahir Dzambegovic

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  • From Mahir Dzambegovic

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  • From Mahir Dzambegovic

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  • From Federica Alessia Ricatto Ranocchiari

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    Kicking into the future: The SLS 2.0 fast kicker Meet the prototype of the new fast kicker for the SLS 2.0 upgrade project. But... what is a fast kicker? The X-ray light…

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    As we approach the temporary shutdown for the SLS 2.0 upgrade this autumn, PSI scientist Maarten Nachtegaal looks back on 15 years of scientific excellence in operando…
  • From Mahir Dzambegovic

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    The causes of China’s record level fine particulate pollution in winter 2013. Dr. André Prévôt from the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI explains,…
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