(DE) Die derzeitigen Experimente an den Grossforschungsanlagen am PSI liefern rund 3.6 Milliarden MB an Daten pro Jahr. Um diese unvorstellbare Datenmenge ein wenig zu veranschaulichen, haben wir etwas Zahlenspielerei betrieben und einen riesigen Datenturm aus Floppy Disks errichtet.
Experiments at the large-scale research facilities at PSI currently generate about 3.6 billion MB of data per year. To illustrate this unimaginable amount of data, we did some number crunching and built a huge data tower out of floppy disks.
_______________________________________ The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland, conducting cutting-edge research in the fields of future technologies, energy and climate, health innovation and fundamentals of nature.