(DE) Der hochmoderne Campus des Park Innovaare wird derzeit in unmittelbarer Nähe zum PSI realisiert und per Ende 2023 bezugsbereit sein. Der Park bietet einen optimalen Standort für F&E-Aktivitäten. Angesiedelte Unternehmen oder F&E Abteilungen profitieren von der direkten Nähe zum PSI und vom einfachen Zugang zu seinen Ingenieuren, Technikern und Forschern, seiner weltweit einmaligen Kombination an Grossforschungsanlagen. Mehr: https://www.parkinnovaare.ch/
(ENG) The state-of-the-art campus of Park Innovaare is currently under construction in the immediate vicinity of PSI and will be ready by the end of 2023. The park offers an optimal location for R&D activities. Companies or R&D departments located at the park benefit from the direct proximity to PSI and easy access to its engineers, technicians and researchers, as well as its globally unique combination of large-scale research facilities. More: https://www.parkinnovaare.ch/
_______________________________________ The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland, conducting cutting-edge research in the fields of future technologies, energy and climate, health innovation and fundamentals of nature.